Sunday, May 20, 2012

I of course am going to put a "church" spin on this, because that is where I am currently called to serve. However, this can apply to any organization you feel passionate about.

I believe that in order to have a fullfilling, blessed life, you have to be willing to give of yourself. Giving of yourself looks differently for everyone. For some it's helping at a homeless shelter, others it's Relay for Life, for others it's the animal shelter. For me, it's my church. I love my church, I'm passionate about what it stands for, I'm passionate about the people that go to our church and the new people that come every Sunday and for those that will come to our church. I'm passionate about doing what ever I can to help our church succeed in reaching people for the Kingdom of God.

I currently serve in several different capacities but the 2 main ones are as a facillitator of a womens bible study, and in the nursery during the first service every Sunday. These are 2 area's where yes, I'm volunteering and filling a need, but even more so, these are 2 area's where God fills me because I choose to serve.

The Wednesday morning womens Bible study, is amazing, and growing by leaps and bounds. Seeing that simply by stepping up to merely be the one who makes sure new study books are ordered, child care is in place and by helping guide our convesations to stay on topic, God has blessed me sooo much.  I have gotten to know so many wonderful Christian women through our fellowship. I have grown in my faith and have learned so much from each new study. Now, even if I wasn't leading this study, I would go to the study if someone else was leading it, however, whose to say that if I didn't do it someone else would? Not saying that I'm irreplaceable because that most certainly isn't the case, there are many very capable women in our group alone that would do an amazing job. However, why should I wait to see if someone else will step up to the challenge when thats something I can do? Thats an area where I feel comfortable stepping up to volunteer so that others can experience the same amazing things that I experience.

Volunteering in the nursery on Sunday mornings for me is pure joy! I get to love on those babies for an hour, I don't have to share them or give them back to their moms for a whole hour!! I also find joy in the fact that  because I am willing to spend that first service taking care of babies, I know that their parents can then enjoy the service or serve in other capacities.

My sister has said several times to me, "I can't believe more people don't volunteer."  Now, I'm not sure why that is, because I know that every person that walks through those doors on Sunday mornings walk away having been given something. They've been given a Spiritual renewing, a prayer if needed, smiles and friendly faces, snacks, coffee and joy. If they have children, their children have been cared for and loved on so that they could worship. Someone made the coffee and set out the snacks for them, someone greeted them and handed them a bulletin when they walked in the door. Some one passed the offerring bucket for them, someone made sure the lights and sound and slides were working properly. Someone played guitar, piano, drums, tamborine and sang for them. People volunteered their time and choose to do these things simply so that others would be able to get the most out of their Sunday mornings. Why wouldn't you want to do that for someone else? Even if you only did it once a month? Why wouldn't you want to do everything you could to make sure that everyone walked out of there with the same amazing experience that you do every Sunday? Most importantly, why would you want to pass up that blessing that God has for you because you choose to serve.

So my challenge for all of you is, that area of your life that you are so passionate about, find a way to serve it so that others may continue to be blessed by it, but also so that YOU may be blessed by it as well!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your heart! I am so thankful you are a part of our Family Ministry team. We are better because of it. I know your influence & encouragement will help others feel free to use their gifts to serve within the Kingdom!!!
