Friday, May 18, 2012

Ok so this appears to have been a photo taken in the 80's, however, it was not, May 18, 1991 to be exact. I think there was some 80's residue still hanging around.  Either way I thought I looked awesome, as well as my handsome groom.

Today is our 21st wedding anniversary. When you see the number, 21, it seems like such a very long time. However, as I see it, it seems to have just gone by so fast. I don't know if it is just because we've been so busy with raising our kids and life in general, but 21 years just doesn't seem that long to me. My husband may have a different story to tell, he has had to spend those 21 years living with me, and truth be told I'm a little high maintenance at times. He's an amazing man to have put up with me for all these years.

Todays post will be all about this amazing man I married and get to call my husband. I'm so proud to be Mrs. Jerry B. Gifford II and since this is my blog and he has no control over it I'm going to tell you all about him.

My husband has the most amazing sense of humor, if you're friends with him at all, or know him through Face Book you are aware of this. His sense of humor is what drew me to him, he made me laugh consistently. Some women are drawn to men with intense eyes, or great smiles, big muscles, those kinds of things. Not to say that Jerry doesn't have some of those qualities, but they're just not whats important to me. Laughter, that is the path to my heart. Spending time with him just brought me so much joy.

As I learned more about him, I discovered he had many more qualities that I enjoyed, he's kind, compassionate, strong in character and integrity. I love his brain, I know that sounds silly, but I love how he just knows stuff.  He has what he calls a "useless facts file" which I am all to happy to tap into because it fascinates me that he knows these things. He's wise and discerning and after learning the hard way many times, I have come to know that I should listen to him because most of the time he's right about things. He has a strong faith and he loves the Lord and is growing in his relationship with Him daily. I love that I can talk to him about my faith and he helps me in my walk with God as well.

He's passionate about his children. Since they were born he would get up in the middle of the night while they were sleeping an poke them just to make sure they were still breathing. To this day he still checks on his kids at night. Sometimes they wake up and it freaks them out a bit, but it's all part of the daddy charm. My favorite thing about his relationship with the kids though, is he makes them laugh too. He sings their silly hip hop songs with them, and connects with them on levels I can't.

 However, what makes me love him most is the way that he loves me. He treats me with respect, never makes me feel as if I'm less than him. He makes me feel beautiful,  like there isn't another woman in the world that he could ever love more. He never talks down to me and makes me feel like I'm stupid even though he knows way more than I ever could. He helps me learn who I am by giving constructive criticism in a loving way. He's patient with me when I'm being difficult. He's unselfish in giving of himself and his time to me. He treats me with respect and is willing to listen to me. Yes, I love him cause he still makes me laugh, he still brings me joy.

I don't just love my husband, I'm IN love with my husband. I learn something new about him almost every day. I can't wait to see what the next 21+ years have in store for us.

Happy Anniversary baby, I love you!

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