So there's this thing that's been gnawing at me for a while. I keep feeding it snacks in hope to keep it at bay, but it's becoming ravenous and pretty soon it will consume me entirely. The problem is I cannot for the life of me figure out how to fit it in.
I have this deep, burning, needful, desire to totally throw myself into a great big giant messy paint filled canvas of amazing awesomeness. I have visions of rolling out canvas in the middle of my living room floor and painting with my fingers, my hands, my elbows, my knees and my feet. To feel the coolness of the paint just seeping into my pores. To spend days finding paint that I didn't know was there to wash off.
I have ideas and thoughts and visions in my head of things to do, big, bold, colorful, loud fabulous ideas. Things that I'm trying so desperately to appease into calmness by doodling my refrigerator, journaling in my Bible and random doodles left willy nilly all over the place at work.
Life keeps happening. Work keeps happening. Time keeps sucking away. How do I fit it all in?