Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The News

So I'm married to this amazing guy that I'm crazy head over heels in love with. He's a pretty big deal in my life. So his happiness is of course something near and dear to my heart.

He's been wanting a change for a while, to get away from stress that's been heavy on him for several years, as well as just some just general discontentment. So we've been praying.

We've been praying for about the last 5 years or more for God to release him from his job. He's been looking for new jobs in the same field with similar pay or opportunity to move up and eventually return to similar pay. Much to our great dismay, God never gave him the go ahead, never opened any doors for him, and so he stayed. He stayed trying to see what God had for him to do in this place and each day trying his best to work for the glory of God.

The last 6 months or so have been particularly difficult for him to navigate through and we knew something had to give. So one night Jerry said, "I'm going to quit and work at home depot!" Wouldn't you know it, God finally released him from his job of 27 years.

April 2nd will be Jerry's last day at Follett, it's a job he's had our entire married life. What's he on to next you ask? No clue! He's got resumes out, and has some nibbles, but we're just trusting God to do what only He can and get us through this. James reminds us to consider it pure joy when we face trials, and this one is a trial of total and complete trust. I vacillate between excitement for things to come and panic for things to come....or not come. I know there are BIG lessons for myself to learn as we move into a less comfortable lifestyle. and I'm sure Jerry is looking at some lessons before him as well.

So here we go, this is one new big #adventurewithjerry, and it's going to be amazing. He's like a whole new person, or he remembered who he truly is without all the stress, very carefree, lighthearted and playful. I've never been so sure we've done the right thing in all of my life.  I've already lit a creative fire under him and we'll be exploring that avenue together which I'm over the moon excited about.  Plus the honey do list is growing......

I ask for prayers for us, prayers for God's provision, for wisdom as we make decisions regarding our future and for just the right job to come along for Jerry.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes......

Raise your hand if you like change......if I'm right, I'm guessing not too many people are crazy about it. I on the other hand am one of those who finds change exciting, like an adventure. Unless of course it's not a positive change, some change can be painful to navigate through. There is change that is imposed upon you, and the change you choose yourself. Small changes, like a new toothpaste brand, and big changes like moving to a new house.

Then there's that grey line of change that has essentially been imposed upon you and it's a bad change so you find yourself forced to make your own changes. Still with me? Good.

2018 is barely off to a start and we find ourselves with one of those grey area changes. Something we've been praying about for years, that God has either been silent or said no to repeatedly, He's finally said yes to. However, His perimeters in which He's said yes, are kind of hard to swallow.
(I know this is all vague, but we're not quite ready to share all the details with everyone just yet, that will come in due time. So just bare with me and hang on.)

This "yes" that God finally gave us is going to completely shake up our entire existence and the way we currently live our lives. This is one of those things that you just HAVE to trust that God knows what He's doing because there is no way we can make this work on our own. Jerry and I are swallowing worry and anxiety every single day sometimes several times a day and reminding ourselves that God is Faithful. We're second guessing ourselves daily and then reminding ourselves that God is Good. I can't speak for Jerry but I know my panic attacks are on high alert and I'm having a hard time pushing thru them without help. However, I remind myself that God keeps His Promises.

There is of course an element of excitement in this all too! We know that there is no way, we will be okay unless God does something big so,in between all the worry, there is this sense of great anticipation, and wide eyed wonder. It's like we're in the front row, sitting on the edge of our seats so we don't miss a single thing that He's doing. The thrill of having yet another testimony to share about the Goodness of God and trying to imagine what we'll have to share with others to give them Hope is almost overwhelming. This is a God sized change.

So watch this space for more to come, I'll share when the time is right, and I'll share all the good stuff that God does along the way. Probably all the hard stuff too.

*disclaimer: if you are one of the "inner circle" that knows about the "big change" I ask that you keep it under your hat until we're comfortable sharing with everyone. Thanks