Monday, December 9, 2013

New journey!

Years ago when I started this adventure into Mixed Media I longed for other artists that did what I did. Or at the very least understood what I did or the at the very least the reasons I did what I do. I still long for that! I do have a few artist friends that get the process, however, up until recently no one quite understood the connection between my art and the Holy Spirit. They'd all nod and smile and say reaffirming things, but no one who actually experienced the same thing.

Some time ago I thought how awesome it would be to have an artists small group/Bible study, but like there's really a curriculum for that kind of thing right?? Besides, I'm busy leading the Wednesday morning women's Bible study, which I love! I can't possibly lead 2. So the idea got filed in the back of my "maybe someday" drawer in my brain.

One day I bought a book called Praying in Color off Amazon, and Amazon is a most awesome place that recommends things to you based on previous purchases. Lo and behold there was a huge selection of books about Christian artists and creating with the Holy Spirit and books about people who "got it". I think I cried!! I was excited about this, however, still not feeling that I could do anything with it other than read the books because I was still so in love with my Wednesday morning I just couldn't imagine that I'd do anything else.

After reading one of the books I just couldn't ignore the nudging I was getting from the Holy Spirit that I was supposed to move ahead with this dream of mine to have an artists small group. So many little treasures from God pointing me in that direction, and every time I'd take a step in that direction He would give me signs of affirmation that I was going the right way. I could no longer leave this in the "maybe someday" drawer because someday is quickly turning into a reality.

December 18th will be the last day that I lead the Wednesday morning ladies. This is bittersweet because that is something that I have loved and looked forward to each week. I pray fervently for each of them to find a new small group, a new group of ladies to build relationships with and to do life with. I'm so grateful that most of them I see weekly and talk to often so that we are still part of each others lives. They have been such a big part of my journey and my growth and I've learned so much from each one of them. I will miss our Wednesday mornings.

Now although I know I'm going in the right direction, God has been sort of secretive about how this all plays out. I keep asking for things to be revealed as far as what this new small group looks like, how it functions, who will come etc., but God just keeps telling me to wait, so I wait. I wait and I pray and I read. The waiting however, has not diminished my excitement though. Knowing that I'm headed in a direction that God wants me to go is exhilarating!!

Stay tuned!!

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