Monday, January 19, 2015

Here we go...

Ain't technology grand!! I've been dreading these next few days popping up on my Timehop App, but here it is.

This is the start to the last full day my Mom was able to carry on a full coherent conversation. This was the day that the whispers that we were at the end invaded my brain. This was the day that my Mom said she wasn't afraid to die because she knew where she was going.

This was also a day of great laughter, of amazing family time. A time of healing of relationships that were bent and warped and twisted. This was a day of many prayers, and many praises.

I don't anticipate today, or the next couple days to be easy or tear free, there's just too many memories of these days last year that are too fresh, too real, not quite fully healed, however, these are memories that I never want to loose. I want to always remember these last few days with my Mom. They're too precious, too important.

So in the next couple days, if you should think of me, I would covet your prayers as we push past this final "first". I'm so grateful for a God whose love is bigger than any of our pain, I will cling to that always.

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