Monday, February 16, 2015


Costa Rica is a mere 3 days away. I'm not nearly as anxious as I thought I would be at this point. I truly believe that it is the Peace that surpasses all understanding that is causing it.

There are a few minor details to finish up in the next 3 days but I don't feel any sense of true urgency to them. I know that everything that needs to be done before we go, will be done.

One thing that the Lord has impressed upon my heart the last couple days is that I need to be in a place of total surrender to Him and to His plans. One of the songs we sang on Sunday was You Won't Relent, I know Jesus Culture didn't write it but they sing it best in my opinion. One of the verse's goes like this: "Come be the fire inside of me, come be the flame inside my heart, come be the fire inside of me, until you and I are one."  That last line; "until you and I are one", what a complete and total place of surrender that is, when I am no longer my own, but fully His.

 I'm going to take the next couple days just to meditate on that idea, to be filled with only Him and none of my own ways, none of my own thoughts, so that what I do and experience in Costa Rica will be exactly what He has planned for me and not what I have planned for me.

So while this trip planning started in a frenzy and with stomping of feet and tantrums, in the end, I have such a peace about it all. I know that I know that I know that THIS is precisely what God has positioned me to do and I'm excited to see what His plans are. He never ceases to blow me away with what He does in my life and I have no doubt that this will be equally, if not more awesome than anything else He's done for me.

I'm super excited about the team that is going with me. I have faith that each person on our team has been positioned for just the same amount of awesomeness. We each have our own journey and our own struggles and I know that God will work in each one of us exactly the way we need it. What we experience there as a team and as individuals will forever affect our hearts, our minds and our lives and form bonds that are unbreakable.

Soon there will be a blog posted that you can follow us along on our adventures. I'll post it when I have it.

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