Tuesday, October 7, 2014

the little things

If you know me at all, you know I love my husband. There are not words in my vocabulary to accurately describe how much I love my husband.

There is just something so incredible about our marriage and if you would've talked to me about what I thought marriage would be like before I was married, our marriage is NOT what I would've described. This is totally not what I had in mind. I don't think my mind could've fathomed something quite so wonderful.

Just a little background on us; we met in school, begun dating in our senior year. I am not shy now, nor was I then. We hung out with the same group of friends but weren't exactly friends ourselves. However, one day I just plopped myself down on his lap. He didn't say so then, but I later learned he didn't really think that was okay. LOL. I'm so glad I did it!

We dated for a little over 5 years before getting married in May of 1991. It snowed on our wedding day. Thank you midwest weather for forever keeping us on our toes. It was lovely and full of residual effects from the 80's, big hair, poofy shoulders on my wedding dress, the whole 9 yards, well, minus any fluorescent colors thank goodness.

We have been married now about 23.5 years and it's been good. I let you in a little secret, we don't fight. We never have. So you may say, oh well that's not healthy, you need to do that. I think we would if we ever had anything to fight about but we don't. One thing we do really well is communication. We talk, we share and we compromise and we are respectful of one another.

I'd love to tell you our marriage is so awesome because we've always put God first. We haven't. We've always believed in God, but up until about 7 years ago He wasn't really part of our marriage. I can tell you though that since God has become the center of our lives, our marriage is even better, everything is better.

If I had one thing to share to other married couples it would be to do the little things. The little things that don't really seem like a big deal to you, but to your spouse can mean the world.

For example, Jerry always goes to bed way before I do, almost always asleep before I get into bed. However every night when I go to get into bed, he's fluffed my pillows for me. It's not really a big deal, I mean it takes nothing to fluff my own pillows. Yet he knows it's something I like to do before I get into bed so he does it for me. That little gesture just means so much and shows me that he loves me.

In our house we take medicine, some of us more than others, because of this we have those daily pill containers. I fill his up every time I fill my own. It's not really a big deal, but I know he appreciates it and I'm happy to do it because it makes him happy. It takes me literally 5 minutes to do it.

Something we've been intentionally doing lately is leaving each other little unexpected love notes. They're not long lengthy mushy gushy things, just a couple sentences here and there tucked in places you don't expect to find them. I LOVE this.

So what "little thing" can you do for your spouse today?

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