Monday, February 15, 2016

No More Boots

I have to tell you this post makes me feel very vulnerable, but there is growth and leaning in that, so I share. I just ask that you be gentle with me.

So a few months ago, our church started a new growth initiative called Multiply. As we grow larger as a congregation the needs of our church grow as well. Obviously there is a financial need to address the capacity our church can hold, but it doesn't stop there. We also need to increase our commitment to serve and use our time and talents to meet the needs as well.

As this was all unfolded for us I began to pray on what my role in all of this was. I serve regularly and we tithe regularly and I feel as though we are doing what God has called us to do.

One thing God did ask of us, was to increase our tithe over the next 2 years. I prayed as to just how that was going to be possible and how God was going to show up and make that happen and His plan was revealed to me rather loudly and rather quickly; no more shoe/boot shopping, no more clothing shopping. I cannot describe to you the complete and total peace I had about that when I told God that I was game for that. I want for nothing in either of those area's, I have way more than most.

However, as the days and weeks progressed I find myself having a hard time keeping up my end of this commitment. It's not that I need or want things, but it's more like I just plain old like to shop. It's hard to pass up that sale rack, or scroll past those ultra discounted gorgeous boots, simply because they are such a good deal. I'd love to tell you that I have not given in to temptation but that would be a lie. Oh how aware I am that it grieves the Spirit when I fail and it's a really icky feeling.

So as I try to process through all this as to why this is what God has called me to I had it in my head that this was a stewardship thing, that God was telling me I wasn't being a good steward with the treasures He has so richly blessed me with. However, I was struggling to see how that was the case. We've been tithing for years, and we give generously often. I didn't feel that it was the "stuff" so to speak because I've given away several pairs of shoes/boots and clothing over the years without too much hesitation and with great joy in being able to bless others with it.

I boiled it down to it was just a bad habit that God deemed I needed to break free from. You know, be more disciplined and have more self-control. That was until this morning....

This morning as I was searching for a devotion on discipleship to share with friends for an upcoming retreat I stumbled across one that kind of rocked my world. It used my very least favorite story in the Bible, the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22. I have a really hard time with that story, simply because I'm a mom and because I can't seem to quiet the thoughts that run through my head as I read that story. Yes, I fully understand the purpose and meaning behind it but it doesn't change the thoughts.

This morning God used that story to smack me upside the head! This part of the devotion is what drove home the point "When Abraham so wonderfully passed this test, God blessed him and spared his son (Genesis 22:3–18). In essence, God told him, "It's all right, Abraham. I never intended that you actually kill Isaac. I only wanted to remove him from the temple of your heart that I might remain unchallenged there." Bam!!!

 Now I have a feeling that those of you that are reading this that actually know me, this might not have been a big stretch for you. You might have seen this coming a mile away. However, I always strive to live a godly life, to be a good Jesus follower. When God asked this of me I blindly assumed it was about the money, about being a good steward, about not spending our treasures frivolously. However, I didn't really get that either because I felt that we were doing what we're supposed to be doing. I've never once felt as though my shopping has stopped us from paying our bills or giving generously. I also blindly assumed that my heart was in alignment with Gods, that I had nothing that was competing for my heart. The struggle I'm finding in actually following through with this commitment, tells me otherwise.

So I share all of this with you, not only for my own benefit, but also to ask you to look inward and see what in your life does God compete for the throne of your heart for?

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