Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Doctor Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds can read and comprehend 20,000 words per minute. Oh how I envy that. My list of books to read stands taller than me, and that's the list, not the actual books!!  I have a Kindle and I probably have 60 books loaded onto it just waiting for me to open them. Almost daily a new book pops up that I want to read thanks to the sidebar ads on Facebook. Not to mention the numerous books that people recommend to me each week. 

As I write this, and have now backspaced out several excuses as to why I'm not able to get all the reading I want to do, in truth it all boils down to poor time management. Too much time spent on social media or playing online games. Sigh, odd how a whiny post about not enough time has smacked me in the face with reality. 

In this day and age of modern technology where even the written word is digitized our "free time" isn't really free anymore because of the self imposed weight of staying in the loop so to speak. Suddenly it's become a normal part of our lives to blast to everyone what we're doing right that second, as if the world has been standing with baited breath for my latest update. How did this become the norm? 

I think maybe it's time for me to seriously reconsider how I'm spending my time. I've been pretty good as of late making sure that I'm getting my house clean, and I have been fairly consistent with getting on that stupid treadmill.  However, if I'm not doing one of those things or working, you will find me, with my feet propped up in the recliner and the dogs surrounding me on all sides, with this lap top sitting on my lap as I plug into what the rest of the world is doing. 

Hmmmm, I wonder how many of us have unknowingly given up things in our lives that gave us joy only to plug into the world to see what gives other people joy? Thoughts? Comments? 

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