Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This beautiful creature here is my oldest daughter, Kellie Elizabeth. Today is her 20th birthday, and she shines. She's the child I wanted from the first time I ever held a baby. She's the one I dreamed about, longed for, and ached for.

Not that all of my children aren't amazing and special, however, the thrill of that first baby is something that nothing else can ever mimic. It's so full of firsts, and new experiences that nothing else can compare to it.

I remember driving my husband crazy after we got married because I wanted a baby so badly. He wanted to wait 5 years before having children, I just couldn't comprehend why on earth we should wait so long and how could he not want to have a baby right that minute!!  I won that battle of course because we brought Kellie home from the hospital on our first wedding anniversary. The second she was born her daddy just melted and we've never looked back.

She was the perfect baby, rarely cried, so content, such a perfect round little head, and sweet little fingers and toes. Oh and she smelled so good, all babies smell good to me, but this one was so much more sweet cause she was mine and I didn't have to share her. I didn't have to hand her back to her mom, cause I was the mom. I held that little girl all day every day, just sucking in all the joy that she brought me.

Today she is a bright and lively young woman who continues to bring me joy, and I am so proud of the woman she's becoming. Each day she discovers a little bit more of herself, shaping who she will become. She is head strong, smart and passionate. She is striving for that day when she will stand on her own, and I have no doubt that she will and when she does she will shine. She has a heart for the Lord and knows that He is King of her life and her faith will bring her blessings.

Yes, this is my daughter, Kellie Elizabeth, my child of firsts, I love her so much, and I can't wait to experience all the rest of the firsts with her as she grows.

Happy Birthday, Kellie.

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