Sunday, September 30, 2012

Every once in a while I get to a place of comfort, a place where everything feels good, feels right, it's mostly a good place. However, it's also a place that makes the anxiety creep up in the back of my brain every now and again and put me on full alert. Usually when I'm in this place it becomes abundantly clear that this is just a resting area. That it's just a pause in life giving me a moment or two to recharge and get ready for the next big thing. As usual, when I see that next big thing coming around the corner, I tend to try to look the other way, to pretend I didn't see it and inevitably that thing that I'm trying to avoid is looking me right in the face and to ignore it would be near impossible. Usually that next big thing is another change in my life that God is calling me to make. Not that I don't want to do what pleases God, I do, but oooo change is so hard. Especially when it's something that doesn't feel to me,  like it needs to be changed. However, I know that "tap on the shoulder", that "whisper in my ear" that tells me otherwise. I've also discovered, this time, as with many other times, He doesn't stop at the gentle tap or the whisper, sometimes He screams it at me loud and clear so that I cannot deny Him, so I cannot pretend I don't know what He's telling me.

Here's the kicker though, I know that if I just surrender and do what He's asking, He will bless me for it. He will use me in new and exciting ways. He will reveal Himself to me in ways I've not seen before. I so want that!! So if that is the case why does it feel like I need someone to pry my fingers away from that thing I'm hanging onto so tightly?

I've got lots of praying to do, and lots of listening to do so I know exactly what this looks like for me in His eyes. Now, where did I leave that white flag of mine?

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