Thursday, May 7, 2015

Don't miss it!

What do you pray for? Do you only pray for big things? Only pray for others? Only pray in times of need? Or do you pray each day to see God?

Part of my every day prayer, most times before I even step foot out of my bed, I pray that God would use me to impact the lives of others today. Up until recently I'd pray that and then go about my day hoping and expecting that God would do just that but never really seeing it happen. Being the person that God made me to be interacting with others is second nature. It's not a stretch for me to talk to others, strangers even, to encourage and compliment and share smiles and laughter with people. It's just what I do, it's who I am. So it makes sense that God would use me in that way, it just didn't seem to me that He was.

However, one day about 2 weeks ago, I had a short like 10 minute conversation with a woman. Someone I knew from things she had said over time that she was in a place of loneliness or insecurity. Although I had encouraged her before, but I never really felt like we ever connected. We don't really hang out or talk other than Facebook comments and the occasional "Good Morning" on Sundays. I saw her out and about one day and we chatted and I talked to her about Bible Journaling. Short conversation, however when I walked away I got this nudge in my spirit that told me I'd just made a difference. I remember thinking, "what? how?, I just talked to her.". Then it became clear that, God was using how he made me to do just what I'd asked Him to do. Ummm Duh!!!

I think when I prayed this prayer each morning I expected it to be something big. A moment when I'd get to share my testimony or lead someone to Jesus. Something much more magnificent then a short 10 minute conversation about something I love to do. That just seemed way too simple. From that moment on I begun to look for the little things, for the small ways He was using me to impact the lives of others. I began to think back over time and was able to see that it truly was almost daily He answered my prayer. Wow, would you just look at that! God answered my prayers! Oh what a glorious thing to know that I matter enough to Him that He answers my prayers.

I wonder how many other things I'm missing because I'm looking only for the big things. I think we need to pay attention to the small things that we'll miss if we aren't focused on Him. The big things happen and are really easy for us to spot, however, we must remember that God is in the whisper, and unless you're paying attention, you'll totally miss it.

In the words of Aerosmith...."I don't want to miss a thing".

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