Sunday, March 15, 2015

A reminder

Went to a concert last night, it was a Chris Tomlin concert but Rend Collective and Tenth Avenue North were there as well. Amazing concert for sure.

Now I'm not sure if it's something lingering from Costa Rica or the effects from Bible Journaling in that I'm always on the look out for something new to journal, but, I was hyper aware of the lyrics being sung last night.

One in particular really stood out to me, so much so that I had to quickly send myself an email on my phone so I'd remember it. It's a song by Tenth Avenue North called Strong Enough to Save. There is a line in there that says "the One the wind and waves obey is strong enough to save you". After spending some time in the ocean a few weeks ago it's fresh in my mind just how incredibly powerful those waves are. They don't care what you want to do, they will knock you down, they will push you around and suck you in. You are mostly powerless to do anything other than let them. The sheer idea that anyone can make those waves do anything other than what they decide to do is crazy! However, our God can. If He decided they needed to be still, they would be.

I was struck in that moment by just how incredibly big He is and how incredibly small I am. I think I need these reminders from time to time to remember to stay humble. Yes, I know, humble probably isn't the first adjective you'd use to describe me, but when it comes to knowing my place in His Kingdom I am well aware of Who I serve. I pray that all the things that I do in my life, reflect Jesus, and that I am ever diligent to give Him all the Honor and Glory that is due to Him.

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