Monday, March 30, 2015


I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't already know when I say music is powerful. I think most of us have a song for almost every big moment in our life.

Songs bring back memories, evoke emotions, bring you to places and times that you either love to remember or wish you'd forget.

Who would've thought when the first musical note was played that it would be such an enormously powerful medium? I don't imagine that was the intent of the musician, I imagine he or she was just looking for a way to express themselves and it's what came out, and thank God it did.

Music sets the mood; if you're getting ready to go out with friends or clean the house, you may put on something up beat you can dance to to get you moving. Feeling angry? Break out the heavy metal and scream through your frustrations.  If you've experienced heart ache you put on the sad love songs and cry your heart out. You and hubby got a kid free night in? Break out the Barry White. Lets not forget about the movies, many scenes would lose a lot of their impact if they didn't have music to build up to the scene. The musical score is as important as the actors.

While I listen to music for many reasons, my favorite is when I need to get my heart and mind in line with God. Often times when I get up in the morning I've got a million things running through my head that I need or want to accomplish in the day and really, sitting down seems completely counter productive. However I know in my heart, that if I don't, my whole day will be off and the millions of things I need to do will be that much more burdensome. Those are the mornings that my time with God starts with iTunes and ear buds. Those are also the days when God usually meets me in the sweetest ways.

Some of the most challenging times I go through as a Christian are the times when God feels very far away. I know that in those times, even though I feel like He's not hearing me or I'm not hearing Him and we're just so disconnected, that I have to continue to spend time with Him. This is probably the most important time for music for me, because as I stated earlier, music evokes emotions. Yes I know, being a Christ follower isn't just a "feeling", however, I'm a girl, I run on emotions LOL. Without Praise and Worship music to get me through those desert times I'm not sure I would persevere and continue to seek Him.

One of my favorite artists for times like these is Kari Jobe. Every song of hers just speaks to my heart and puts me face down in front of my Lord. The perfect position for hearing what He has in store for me, and I don't want to miss a thing!

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